
Illustrator and Concept Artis

My name is Mary Jane aka MayZer, I live in Italy and I'm a freelance illustrator.
Drawing since I was a child, I graduated in Comics at the International School of Comics in Brescia.
I create on-demand digital illustrations, concepts for video games and graphic components for Twitch/Youtube. If you like my work and would like to support me, follow me on my social platforms listed below!

Twitch / Youtube Emotes

1 Emote30€
3 Emotes80€
5 Emotes135€
10 Emotes250€

Twitch / Youtube Badges

1 Badge20€
6 Badges110€

Twitch / Youtube Avatar | Logo | Banner | Panels

Avatar | Logo80 - 100€
Panels Design + Font45-65€ cad.
Overlay Start or End Flat BG + Font80 -100€
Overlay Start or End Full Illustrated200-300€

Price might go up for complexity, props and background. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Youtube Thumbnails

Prices are On Demand because might go up for complexity, props and background.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Prices are On Demand because might go up for complexity, props and background.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Prices are On Demand because might go up for complexity, props and background.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Terms Of Service

  • Send an email to [email protected]

  • Write as accurate a description as possible of what you would like as a commission.

  • Wait for the response where the estimate will be illustrated in detail with the waiting times. Please be patient, I don't have a mailing team!

  • If you are in a hurry or have particular timing, YOU MUST NOTIFY IT BEFORE , the priority cost will be added to the total estimate.

  • For payment, 50% of the total amount is required as an advance to start the work. The remainder will be paid on completion of the work before delivery.

  • Payment must be made after approval of the sketch. Only then will I proceed with the elaboration of the work.

  • Different types of commissions are paid separately.


  • Think well before approving a sketch, because from then on, ONLY changes concerning the colors will be made for free.

  • For each change requested AT THE END OF THE WORK , a fee will be added to the final balance before payment of the remaining amount.

  • No more than 2 totally different sketches will be made for each single job, so be clear and think carefully about what you want to commission!

Termini Di Servizio

  • Mandare una mail a [email protected]

  • Scrivere una descrizione più accurata possibile di quello che si vorrebbe come commissione.

  • Aspettare la risposta dove vi si illustrerà il preventivo nel dettaglio con i tempi di attesa. Siate pazienti, per favore, non ho un team che si occupa della corrispondenza!

  • Se si ha particolarmente fretta o delle tempistiche particolari, BISOGNA NOTIFICARLO PRIMA, il costo della priorità andrà aggiunto al totale del preventivo.

  • Per il pagamento viene richiesto il 50% della cifra totale come anticipo per iniziare il lavoro. Il restante verrà saldato a lavoro completo prima della consegna.

  • Il pagamento dovrà esser effettuato dopo l'approvazione dello sketch. Solo successivamente procederò con l'elaborazione del lavoro.

  • Tipologie di commissioni differenti tra loro vengono saldate a parte.


  • Pensate bene prima di approvare uno sketch, perchè da lì in avanti verranno effettuati gratuitamente SOLO cambiamenti riguardanti i colori.

  • Per ogni modifica richiesta A FINE LAVORO verrà aggiunto un compenso al saldo finale prima del pagamento del restante importo.

  • Non verranno effettuati più di 2 sketch totalmente differenti per ogni singolo lavoro, dunque siate chiari e pensate bene a quello che volete commissionare!